So, I posted a few images when I started my blog, but didn't say anything about them. My work is changing a lot right now, and I hesitate to talk about it, honestly because I'm not sure what I think. I'm in a strange place; I come from a traditional silver gelatin background and fell in love with C-printing early this year. Then, I bought a digital camera. I'm having trouble reminding myself that it [camera] is just a tool, that image-creating is a process and be it digital, 4X5, Holga, whatever, the tool is just that. I keep feeling like a traitor to the darkroom; like my Beseler is feeling lonely and unfilled alone in the darkroom. Why is that so hard? I'm having so much fun with the spontaeity that digital offers that I am no longer worried about spending too much film. Yes, I am enjoying my fling with digital, I admit it. We'll see where this relationship goes.