I keep forgetting to post new images...well, pretty new. I have found it increasingly difficult to find the energy to shoot! With baby here in a matter of weeks, I can foresee the scope of my work changing considerably.
A 2008 MFA grad from University of Memphis, I now live and work in Spokane, Washington. I have a great job, teaching photography at SFCC, a local community college. The mom of a toddler, I am learning to juggle my time with family and still maintain my identity as a working fine artist. When I am not spending time with my husband, Michael, and beautiful daughter, Madeleine, I am teaching, photographing, or working on our 104 year-old historic house. I am also co-chair of the Society for Photographic Education NW Regional conference which will be held here in Spokane in November. Life is quite busy these days!